real madrid 2011 team picture.
pksonApr 5, 11:43 PMI wonder if they're gonna add (slightly useless) stuff from iMovie like face recognition (It's a great idea, but it takes too long to go through all the clips..)
I hope FCP is just awesome beyond comprehension.
Real Madrid team group poses
bibbzJun 15, 11:36 AMSe after some clarification, heres the process...
We cant guarantee you a phone, but if you "reserve" and have a pin number, you will get a phone. We just cant make a promise, guarantee, or anything like that per apple.
The same still applies, if we take 10 pins, we get 10 phones.
real madrid 2011 team photo.
rdownsApr 27, 09:20 AMhttp://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/2711155/posts?q=1&;page=101
There you have it. The birthers aren't satisfied. I knew it.
Trump now wants to see and taste the after-birth before dropping the issue. :rolleyes:

real madrid 2011 team picture.
Doctor QJul 14, 03:07 PMPower Supply at the top is REALLY stupid.Why? What are the advantages/disadvantages to having it higher or lower in the case? Does the weight distribution matter?
Real Madrid launch new 2010
bobbleheadbobApr 10, 11:06 AMI hope the new version comes in a box with a free t-shirt.
Real Madrid#39;s Iker Casillas
ergle2Sep 14, 05:29 PMI got this great response this morning from my IT snob:
"Where in that linked article does it say 64bit? I see 65 nm, but not 64 bit. Duct taping two 32 bit cores together may get you Mac 64 bit processing... great for drawing cool pictures."
Anyone have a link that shows that Clovertown is 64 bit? Please help me to defeat this PC IT ogre
Straight from the horse's mouth at Intel (http://idfemea.intel.com/moscow/download/moscow_final_ru_and%20_eng/SRV/SRVM01.pdf) (Clovertown supports EM64T), and again at Intel (http://www.intel.com/performance/server/xeon/intthru.htm) (5100 series supports EM64T), and once more from Intel (http://www.intel.com/pressroom/archive/releases/20050926corp_a.htm) (Xeon is 64bit, mentions Woodcrest).
Took me about 10 seconds. Your "friend" is either a troll or supremely ignorant -- especially when you bear in mind this is the same hardware that Windows runs on. Apple pretty much supplies a nice case and the OS at this point.
Edit: too slow... I was busy with RL in the background... ah, well... :)
real madrid 2011 team photo.
RaidApr 29, 12:46 PMSo what? Who said liberals never partake in name calling? You claimed that liberals do more name calling. You want me to go dig out examples of name-calling done by conservative voices such as Limbaugh, Beck, etc.?
I should add Trump to that list to keep this somewhat on track with the subject of this thread.
Hey now don't go and try to get this thread back on track! ;)
You could, cite name-calling examples on both sides but it really shouldn't be about who started it, or who does it more; really it should be more about ending it and talking about the issues... but then we'd be in danger of actually progressing.
Real Madrid Fc Team season
ccrandall77Aug 11, 02:47 PMI am sorry, but it is... 150 million people is a small market compared to the other +6 billion people. Europe alone is more than 700 million people...
Well only about 1.25bil out of the +6 actually have cell service and I'd suspect only about 300mil in Eurpoe use cell phones (according to internetworldstats.com estimates 291mil in Europe use the internet... I'd assume cell usage is similiar).
And factor in that the US, Canada and many of the other countries with CDMA service are amongst the most wealthy in the world. Those +150mil customers are nothing to sneeze at.
Getafe vs Real Madrid
Michael73Apr 11, 11:28 AMHopefully the additional wait time will result in a more revolutionary than evolutionary device.
real madrid 2011 team
MundySep 13, 09:38 AMAre these processors 32 or 64 bit? I told one of my PC-lovin' IT guys about the 8 core Mac this morning and he said, "32 bit processors are ancient technology no matter how many you stuff into a box, but I guess they are OK for entertainment computers." :rolleyes:
Clovertown is a 64-bit CPU.
Ask your PC-loving IT guy if he uses Windows XP64 and more than 4 gigabytes of RAM. If not, then 32-bit processors are apparently okay for him, too.

real madrid 2011 team photo.
REDolutionApr 10, 07:34 AMWell I bet they handle Formats differently.
Gone is Pulldown. Gone is Film Support...replaced with the best web movie rendering support in the industry. Also Apple will change the antiquated delivery method for productions. Once your done you publish to the itunes store and you have now distributed your movie. The interface will be a multitrack version of iMovie. From watching this clip and all the industry big wigs saying "its wonderful" Ya its great but in a different way ... because whats going to be released is not FCP studio 4. I'm sure its a whole new thing. So all the iMovie 7 users who had to keep using it because iMovie 8 was a total re-write because of no legacy no pluggin support will happen to FC Editors. This will force Editors who use Studio 3 to continue to use S3 until they build up the features of this "new" editor. Its going to be a very interesting NAB. Avid and Premiere are going to gain a lot of new friends if this is true. But the larger batch of new editors who really could care less about 99% of what this small market needs will be very happy. I also bet the price is quite a bit lower as well.
This will be the everything is gone and changed upgrade.
Are you speculating or have you just disobeyed your NDA? ;-)
real madrid 2011 team picture.
generikSep 13, 05:34 AMSeems like someone in Anantech has managed to do just that with the upcoming Clovertown chips (http://anandtech.com/mac/showdoc.aspx?i=2832&p=6).
It is like the iMac/Mac Mini -> Merom all over again!

real madrid 2011 team photo.
gauriemmaNov 29, 10:34 AMSounds like Universal is realizing that their anticipated cash influx they were hoping to see from Zune sales isn't going to materialize, so they're looking to leech off a player that will actually be AROUND in 2007.

real madrid 2011 team photo.
raymondsoSep 19, 09:40 AMI am new to this (and still waiting to buy my first Mac). BUT why all this talk about speed and not about screen size.
I will buy a new Mac as soon as the new models arrive, but I could probably do with a MacBook - but I just think 13" is to small (my eyes are getting old). Does anyone think a 15" MacBook will be out anytime soon - or do I just have to pay the extra price for the MacBook Pro
for me......i would like MBP to have a smaller monitor version to make it more portable :D
real madrid 2011 team.
NJRonboJun 14, 07:50 PMPuggles,
Exactly my plan.

real madrid 2011 team picture.
aquanutzAug 16, 10:47 PMall if have to say is: I want one (along with everyone else on this forum.) :D
real madrid 2011 team.
sotoriousApr 11, 01:49 PMIs that source creditable. I was thinking of making the jump ship to an iphone try it out for a year, but the thought of waiting till june to get a phone was a killer in it self. Now waiting till October is def a no go. I already have my phone for a year and that is way to long just for looking at the same phone that whole time.
real madrid 2011 team
CaoCaoMar 3, 10:05 PMWell Catholic people believe its a Sin to be gay, and in fear of parents saying anything about a gay man teaching their kids....Well being gay and teaching at a religious school and being gay just doesnt work...that sucks though for him
Being gay is not a sin, homosexual actions are a sin.
Bill, it's OK to react emotionally. We're people, not robots. :)
Query: How do meat bags such as yourself live with such amounts of water sloshing around in you?
Real Madrid 2010-2011 Team
princealfieNov 29, 08:56 AMEMUSIC wins! :) ;)
All indie music and sweet. I find it more convincing in price structure than iTunes too!
AntaresSep 13, 11:55 AMand this got negative votes because...??????????
One reason this is negative is because there were no performance numbers given.
Luph67Apr 6, 12:21 PMYes. I need to see the keyboard. And in a dark room it's critical.
I guess I just assumed that anyone who has used a computer for more than two weeks would be capable of typing without staring at the keyboard.
khollisterMar 22, 01:37 PMYeah a 50% smaller screen for the same price and less battery life is certainly going to crush the iPad2.
Plus RIM's usually obtuse software - I hate my company BlackBerry
BoyBachAug 7, 04:27 PMI voted for the Enhanced Dashboard. This seems really useful to me - my own personal web clipping service of the things I want to check regularly with the click of the Mighty Mouse Scrollball :)
I also think 'Spaces' will become invaluable within a few hours of getting used to it.
bedifferentApr 27, 08:39 AMThere's a nuclear disaster in Japan and treacherous weather throughout, people are jobless and homeless and the dollar's in the sh***er and our Supreme Court ruled that companies can give unlimited financial aid to any politician putting business interests in our government and people are worried about Apple possibly tracking them on their iDevice?
Let 'em, my life is BORING, they wouldn't be interested :p
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