Thursday, May 19, 2011

Thank You!

It amazes me that you spend your time on my blog. Thank you.

I started this blog January 18th 2006, eight days before the birth of my daughter. Five and a half years latter here I am writing and there you are reading, Thank you.

I came across a random statistic that states that there are three websites for every person on the planet. Placing the number of sites to be around 18 billion-ish. Not sure if that is true or not but it seems true. I have watched and participated in this ever-expanding multi-verse of information.

The readership of this blog is small, very small, in comparison to many of the top sites and bloggers out there. (for big readership see my wife’s blog) The quality and intent of you, the reader, is perfect.

Thank you for you sharing so much with me throughout the years. Please keep the e-mails/comments coming. I have found them to be a divine guiding voice. I have shared 1,400 posts, it is the most committed I have been to anything in my life.

Today my life has evolved into a mix of grassroots and social media communicating with you. Getting the opportunity to meet you in person and share ideas, stories and sometimes even collaborate with you is a gift.

I never could have dreamed that this blog would have turned into me holding workshops, consultations and occasional photo-walks. I am even giving my first talk on creativity and faith in a month, thanks to you.

Thank you for sharing so much with me and believing in my ideas.

Deep bows of gratitude to each one of you.

Simple, purposeful and with rhythm,

~ John

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